
Showing posts from November, 2020

What are the health benefits of massage therapeutic for old women over 65 year old?

  Massage therapy is much more than just a way to relax. It restores physical vitality and movement, promotes relaxation and an optimistic outlook, and provides a feeling of compassionate care. As we age, our bodies require loving care more than ever, so we need to respect that by appreciating the benefits of massage and the importance of touch after 65. Regular massage can also provide medicinal benefits beyond relaxation that we may not have thought of. Here are some of the health benefits of massage for women over 65 . Begin to consider medicinal massage as a complement to medicine Massage is not a suitable method for everyone, but we can choose different types of massage for different purposes. There are eleven systems in the body, so if you tell your therapist what you're trying to achieve with massage, he or she can guide you in the type of massage that's best for you. For example, lymphatic massage helps relieve lymphedema, which is common after mastectomy, surgeri...